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A Recent Dining In Review

Dinner At The Giggling Squid Thai Restaurant In Maidstone
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Sticky Beaks' Hot Wings Award

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Sticky Beak Blog Visits

Are you the owner or manager of a restaurant/pub/cafe or do you look after their marketing? Then find out how your business can receive a visit from The Sticky Beak Blog. We can review your business in one of two ways!

We have produced a media pack that will give you more information about the blog
Download The Media Pack

It's On Us

Once or twice a month we will visit someone new, if you would like us to pay you a visit then just contact us and we'll add you to our list of places to visit.

We do these visits at our own expense and the criteria for choosing 'where next' is pretty random. We may visit as a couple or up to a family of 5. You won't know if we're coming and you'll only know we've been if we enjoy our visit and write a review.

We may leave a little card on the table to let you know we've been.

It's On You

Do you want to jump the queue? Then we are quite happy to come and visit if you cover the cost of the food and drink for the visit. There would normally be the two of us and we would have a look at your menu and agree a budget in advance.

We will write the review in exactly the same way and if we don't enjoy the visit then we won't write a review but you would still cover the cost of the meal.

All our reviews are our genuine opinion, we won't write a review about something we don't like but neither will we tell anyone if we've been and don't like it. We have reviewed a range of places spending from £5 per head to £105 per head and out of  350+ visits have only had around 10 venues we wouldn't write about.

If you want to arrange a visit on this basis then contact us and we can sort the details.

Re Visits

If we have already visited you and you want us to pop back and check out a new menu or special event then please get in touch but this would normally need to be 'On You' as our limited budget usually goes towards visiting venues we haven't been to before.

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