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A Recent Dining In Review

Dinner And Stay At The Village Hotel In Maidstone
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Sticky Beaks' Hot Wings Award

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Disclosure Regarding Incentives


The Sticky Beak Blog started as a bit of fun, I enjoy eating out and decided to share my experiences with other people in a fun and positive way. The blog continues as a bit of fun however the popularity has grown which has led onto me receiving PR opportunities.

I normally visit at least one venue a month at my own cost, sometimes more, these are chosen at random, in addition to this I also visit some venues that have offered an incentive for me to visit.

In the interests of transparency each review with state whether or not any incentive has been accepted to visit the venue.

I only accept incentives to VISIT THE VENUE, when a venue offers such an incentive it is made clear that the incentive does not guarantee them a review nor do they have any control over the content of any review.

All my reviews are written in the same way, I only publish reviews if the overall experience has been positive and the venue is somewhere I would feel comfortable to recommend to other people. All of the reviews are honest, fun and emphasize the positive aspects of the visit.

I will only state if an incentive has been received, I won't disclose the incentive as I don't feel that is relevant. The incentives vary from a free coffee or dessert to a discount voucher or even the full cost of the meal. I do not accept any payment either to visit a venue or to write a review.


PR Enquiries

I will happily receive restaurant invitations for venues within Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

If you wish to find out more please visit the page covering My Visits



I do sell some advertising space on the web site and offer social media promotions services for a charge, for further details please contact me


Sponsored Posts

I am not interested in featuring sponsored posts on the site. All posts are my own and I intend to keep it that way.



I retain full copyright over all the articles within this blog. All photos on this blog are photographed by me unless stated otherwise, and I retain full copyright over those photos.

Unauthorized use of any part of the text or photo is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized use of content or photos is an infringement of my copyright. All articles or excerpts thereof may not be used without prior permission having first been obtained. You may link to the article but you may not reproduce any part of the article whether in full or in part. No part of my articles may be used for commercial purposes without prior agreement.

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